Abyss (by Skyla Selph from Lafayette,LA)

Kneeling on the precipice of this great abyss
wind howling through me
my ears can not hear
my eyes water and sting with tears
these clothes wrap my shell
I'm hollow
nails griping the ground searching for
something to stop me from being sucked in
rocks and roots tearing my skin
beating myself as i slip down
I'm hollow
your words ringing in my head
so loudly you scream how can you wish you were dead
there's nothing left inside of me
no love
no peace
no serenity
how long do you think i'll last before i break
I'm hollow
a shell of who i once was
I have to let go to save myself
Let go of who i was
let go of the hurt that i have caused myself
let go of the madness that races in circles through my head
let go of you holding on to her
let go of you
I'm hollow
as shell of who i once was
that sinking hole inside my chest
that abyss of emptiness
black dead full of shame
i must fill it with something other than your name
I'm hollow
My God i cry out to you
relieve me of this bondage and hate
rage was dwelled in me far too long
i want to feel something different
i don't want to just pretend it's all ok
this endless self hate
sucking the life from inside of me
i don't want to be
so hollow


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