Untitled (from Dez Savoy from New Orleans, LA)

in the night..i lie in sheets..filled with hopeful sorrows...mended wounds...to give life...i must take life...falling on deaf ears...the hollow echo of what is to become..travels across a sea of self defiance...in rotting wooden boats...moored my promises that were never owed...i only did what the sparrows do..bathing in dust...flicking dirt up with my fingernails...to deny you was easier...than mulling the courage...to love you...to watch the sky change from hue to majestic...taking mental photographs...was easier than...dancing to the rhythm of my soul...and bathing in the sky's light...of what is...i cry when only laughter is heard...split me open..you will find...nothing...and everything...to give life...i must take life...


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