Weathering The Storm (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

My parched soul sought nourishing
And so began our rain-drenched affair
So dizzy was I in my drunken need
That I was blind to the clouds hovering above
Deaf to the thunderous warnings
My famished ego gorged itself on the fat of our murderous lust
So thirsty was I for enlightenment
That I drank in oceans of knowledge
And once consumed I used it against you
The strongest of a species always survives
The one who learns to wisely use his resources
Always comes out at the top of his game
I thought myself to be the winner
Yet in my greatest strengths lay my weakness
And the waves of your hate tore through me
And I was thrashed by your cyclonic madness
But the winds of my Desire to Evolve carried me far away from your self-serving grasp
And the obstacles that I had to overcome 
Were the lessons that carved me
Into who I am today
I learned that it is impossible for one to weather the storm
Without faith in the Sun


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