An Aggregate of Lexicons (by Miserlu from New Iberia, LA)

I am a lover of words. I collect them like stamps or seashells. I keep them bound in books, showcased in inken paper, hung on the walls and graffitied in improper places. I love them their shapes, their appearances, the way they taste in my mouth, the feelings they evoke. Some in my collection aren't worth anything because of their common nature: shit, fuck, the, and. Some are exotic: Zoroastrian, mandala, Ecumenical, Zaire. Some are priceless complexities of art: quixotic, ecclesiastical, onomatopoeia, aqueous.

The first one i ever collected was mama- simple. Everyone has that one..but that was only the start and from there my collection grew.

My collection is vast as is spans across centuries, continents, land, sea, and space. It covers animate and inanimate, corporeal and incorporeal. All faiths, all beliefs, all imaginations. It is culled from narratives, advertisements, works of art, appellation, music, and nature. I have found valuable pieces while rummaging through old boxes and thrift stores. I found Phoenicians in a classroom and nihilism in a movie. I discovered the hari kari seppuku twins singing in the theatre. Dahlia was obtained from an old murder mystery and yersenia pestis from a science text. Bucharest was nestled in the Carpathians in Romania. I danced with stigmata and met cunnilingus in a bar bathrooom.

Some words have texture. tissue and gummy. Some words have Leviathan and tome.  Some words have a flavor vanilla and gelato. Some words have lugubrious and magma. Some have mais and sha. Some have tintinnuabulation and spritz. Most of the words in my collection are soft and harmless: lavender, tranquility, ocean. The most utilized of my collection are the words of humor: wiggle, touche, radda.

But there are dark words in my collection, words that have teeth and are weaponized like infidelity, molest, revenge.

While i mostly collect these words, I have been known to take them out for a spin, deftly using them in everyday situations. I have used them at work, at home, in public, at clubs, with friends and family, on my children, with my boyfriend. I have used them in love. I have used them in anger. I have used them to soothe and to cause pain.

When taken as a whole, my collection is no more impressive than anyone else's, but when you examine each piece individually and the tale of its cultivation, you get a collection that tells the story of my life, piece by piece, word by word, from birth that i will write until i speak my last one.


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