Tina Is A Bitch (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

I met you and in an instant our hearts had made a connection
wined and dined
a metal that i thought was gold
i fell down your rabbit hole
sucked into your creative bubble
all i could see was you
your vision blurred my own
But thunderous clouds rolled onto the horizon
threatening an electrical storm
i raised my sails
prepared to fail
The winds kicked in and displaced everything familiar to me
the passion that ran through your veins was not pure
the source was filth
you lived in a world were Tina ruled
and Tina's a bitch
with her tight pencil skirts she searches the hallways looking for lost innocents
individuals full of self loathing
who long to run to her arms for shelter
you'd fallen
we'd both fallen but in far different manners
you were in Tina's grasp
and you lied to hide your shame
deep inside you knew that your soul served a deeper purpose
but you are trapped in a world of self hate
until your heart blooms
and you cast away the chains of your abusive past
Tina is your lover for now
but be careful my friend
for in the sunlight Tina is not as pretty as she appears in the dark
she's twisted
she will rob your organs
eat you from the inside out
until you're a hollow, infected shell
everyone will soon tell
so, i spread my wings and fly away
to share with the world my words to say
i wish you luck
i wish you well
i hope you find a way to break her spell
i know it sometimes feels like heaven
but it's a certain hell


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