Costume Party (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

my psyche is a virtual costume closet
i drag out whatever i drag i need for the occasion i'm facing
i can be a ballerina
delicate and intentional
or i can be a geisha girl
quiet and submissive
my favorite costume in my arsenal is the samurai
deliberate and swift
fighting the good fight
fucking up anything in my way
destructive in a positive way
sometimes i bring out the little boy
wounded heart
puppy dog brown eyes and dimples
other times the grown ass  man surfaces
darker hair
knowing and wise
you see, i wear many guises
i'm dynamic
and just when you think you have me figured out
i disappear
reemerge as something you've never seen
i'm the ringmaster of this circus
and none of these characters  are me
yet they all are absolutely who i am


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