I Think I Am Too (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

once apon a time
we swore we'd never say goodbye
we went round for round
'til we knocked love out
and this fairytale died a premature death

emotional changes
ups and downs
like a rollercoaster

feeling lucky
feeling pissed
feeling hurt

wish i could push reset
back to when we loved each other
when being in your arms
drowned everything else out

no need to call my phone
i changed my number today
just want to get away

not so easy to fake not being in love with you
wish i could hate you
but i just sit and stare at your pictures
and wish i could capture your heart like they capture your smile

but it's a done deal
perhaps i was a dick
perhaps i didn't think it through

but you walked out of the door
as if you didn't care

but your emails suggest that there is still something there
so do i give it CPR
or do i let it die?
like a flame, it would flicker out if i didn't feed it

i was so convinced that you were too damaged for me
but i never factored in how fucked up my own head is
we shined
can't deny that
and i've never be known to walk away from a fire
overwhelmed me
never wanted to reside in your shadow
it's too cold for me

so, wherever you are
i hope you're thinking about me
thinking about what we could've had

and if you are willing to fight for it
i think i am too


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