Resurrection (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette, LA)

the beat builds
i've been waiting all week for this
to release
to let go
my soul was kicked down
music is my resurrection
God is my DJ
spinning with all his might
i'm in a trance
the music takes me where i want to go
i hang on to the words
like they are ropes
my soul's fingertips digging in
and if i fell it'd be a long drop into hell
the beat explodes in the air
and you can almost see the glitter trail it leaves behind
nothing matters here
we are all free
it's a celebration
a fight between the darkness and the light
and the light wins tonight
i've conquered the beat
made it my prisoner
but i don't keep it held down
i throw it back in the air
someone somewhere needs it just as badly as i did
i close my eyes
and continue my journey
my dance
my rhythm


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