My Time In The Bat Cave (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

Like a masked crusader you flew into my life
Promising happy endings
Sterile & cold it quickly became
I was messier than you liked
You tied me up & stole my soul
But you never conquered my heart
Extinguished my fire
I walked the wire
My hands bound by chains
Unable to run
But my soul remained unchained
I walked the highwire 
Balancing myself between Heaven & your hell
Clouds above
Flames below
Until I held my breath & jumped
The fire threatened to consume me
But I'd lived enough hell with you that God rescued me
I survived as a Lion always does
And in my 9th life at the 11th hour
I fought my way out of your grasp
Kicked you in the jaw
Drew blood
Knocked away your mask
& beneath it was a void
There's was nothing there to love
So I kissed your bloody lips goodbye
Sealed the deal
Pistol whipped you into submission
My hands covered in your blood
You still promised to be my hero
But you were the only person I needed rescuing from
There's a storm coming
& when it hits you'll never be same
Someday the meek shall inherit the earth
But the weak
The weak will succumb to the flames of wrath.


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