A Reason To Be Beautiful (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

bleached hair
as if it would wipe away all i'd done
feeling more like Courtney Love
than Marilyn Monroe
watch out what you wish for
bleach out the exterior
to hide the interior
beautiful garbage
have you ever felt so used up as this?
this life
it can be so awful
but when he's drunk he tastes like candy
and he's deep
like dirty water
so afraid to dive in
so unsure
this platinum life
these blond dreams
oh so Hollywood
and boys aren't supposed to have black beards and white hair
and we aren't supposed to feel glamorous
we aren't supposed to be tapped into that
your words hit so hard
i saw stars
so i etched them into my arm and neck
i want to be one
i want to blaze across the night sky
and sink below the horizon
i want to leave a trail behind me
i wanna drive away
i want to leave it all behind
start again in Malibu
i wan to be one of the gorgeous people
but beautiful
someone else's idea of perfection
i can freeze my face
i can change the color of my eyes
and bleach out my hair
give me a reason to be beautiful
and i'll live my life in ruins
for you


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