I Fell In Love With You By The Ocean (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

the evenings were the perfect antidote to our days
a time when the sun fell into the sea in a blaze of orange
and the temperature dropped a few degrees
and the sea breeze rolled off of the waves
candle lit dinners
hours of conversation
your skin glowed
you were alive with passion
wine flowed
we told stories
we shared experiences
our bond grew
by the sea
the palm trees danced in the wind
the scent of jasmine hugged us
the humidity
sometimes rain
tropical ran
falling in heavy drops
they seemed to take minutes to hit the ground
dripping like honey
until we were soaked
and happy and loved
i fell in love with you by the ocean
symbolic of how much i loved you
by day it was emerald green
by night is was black and intimidating
it's depth unknown
calm as glass at times
a tempest at others
unable to be contained
your love was like the ocean for me
lapping away at my insecurities
until they eroded away
you were my strength
my muse in the night
your love left me wet
and often i plunged into it and swam
held my breath and floated on its surface
it healed me
i fell for you
and time fell away
by the sea


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