Loving The Wrong Person Can Buy You Your Own Happy Ending (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

you tried to silence me
disregarded me
shoved me into a box that could not contain me
you were afraid
you knew i'd grow into something far larger than you could handle
i blew out your candle
left you in darkness
my Light you could no capture
out of your grasp
away from your jealous grip
i began to find my strength
find my way
once my eyes were opened to who you really were
i ran as hard as i could in the opposite direction
the lies you sell
the tales you tell
i want none of
you are all facade
a hallow center
you paralyzed me temporarily
your love was toxic
i gagged on it
vomited it violently
to rid my soul of your corruption
the emesis of our love showed me what it really was
disguised hatred
you could never accept me for who i really am
you couldn't look me square in the eyes
for fear that i'd see through you
like a window
and once the hangover wears off
the joy will rise again
never to be contained again
it will explode like fireworks in the sky
over your sad town
enjoy your darkness
you bought it by the way you treated me


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