You Held My Trial In Your Head (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

why does my heart feel so sad?
why does my soul feel so bad?
i feel so alone
i ran to you
i thought you were my safety
but you abandoned me
you held my trial in your head
and you reached your own conclusion
you never knew who i was
you never saw my light
you judged me by the merit of your own selfishness
your words pierced me
like blows to my face
threatening and angry
your words exploded like thunderclouds
promising to rain over my life
but i ignored it
i closed my eyes
and i saw the sun
and it blocked out whatever storm you intended
you wanted to wash me away with your hatred
but the Lord delivered me onto dry land
and now i'm bathed in His light
and i wish nothing but well for you
i forgive you
and it makes my heart bigger
and my existence more real


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