Not A Pig (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

you tried to pull the mask over my face
to make me wear the ears
the snout
but i was never very piggy
whether made of sticks or brick or straw
that house could never hold me
i'm more wolf
than i am pig
yet you tried to make me swine
and i resisted
and you hated me for it
your rage
your anger
couldn't convince me
to be something i knew i never wanted to be
and Molly wasn't a girl i wished to know
you tried
a strong effort
but you have no idea what lies beneath my skin
i don't oink
i roar
i snarl
i'll rip your skin from your bones
i'll show you how
how i'll never fall into your trap
i'm not a pig
i hunt pigs
and the desire for pig's blood runs pure in my veins


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