My Love Of Jesus (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i placed a crown of thorns upon your head/ i knew what was coming/ i knew that your words were too much for them to understand/ that your Light shone so brightly that no one understood/that Pontius Pilot had decided your ending/ I licked your luscious lips for luck/ even though i knew it'd soon be up for you/ you tasted like the Dead Sea mixed with honey/ i let my kiss linger/ i feared it'd be our last exchange/ i was enamoured of you/ consumed by my faith in you/ your apostle/ i followed your lessons/ our sex was free and wild/ you were the greatest lover i'd ever known/ your gaze healed me/ your touch saved my soul/ reverent/ my love for you took over/ i cried tears of blood/ as i watched you walk through your stations/ i watched them whip you/ stone you/ mock you/ and my heart broke/ it tore into my flesh too/ i witnessed them heaving you onto the cross that you'd just walked miles carrying/ i watched them drive nails into your beautiful body/ i watched as they slashed your abdomen/ i watched as your blessed blood spilled from your holy being/ i watched you suffer/ i watched you take on the sins of the whole world/ the sins of the unborn even/ and i watched you take it all with dignity/ like you knew your fate before you were even created/ that you would be the most precious gift to man/ they could torture your body but your soul remained/ and as you gazed at the heavens above you, i saw you take your last human breath/ i watched as your head lay flaccid/ i watched you turn blue/ i watched rigor mortis seize you/ i watched the love of my life sacrificed/ misunderstood/ sold out/ and i'm no Judas/ gold coins can't buy my loyalty/ because what i feel when your flesh is mangled in with my own is like nothing i've known/ i feel the stigmata/ i feel your pain/ i feel your eyes close/ i feel my lungs relax/ and for a moment i die there with you/ my heavenly lover/ and the Earth turns black at noon and doesn't come back into light until 3pm/ rivers turn to blood/ it feels that the end is near/ your last words "i thirst"/ and a Roman soldier offered you a taste of wine from a rag on a stick/ they all mocked/ they all watched/ you were an entertainment for them/ Nicodermus and I removed your body from the cross and wrapped you in fine linens/ laid your body to rest in your rock tomb/ and i grieved/ i sought comfort in your faith/ i clawed at the mountain in which you were buried/ i ripped my hair out by the root to show my devotion to you/ on day 3 i made my trek to offer flowers in your name and noticed that your tomb was open/ the linens lay on the ground/ your body was there no more/ and i looked to the heavens and saw the sun in all its glory/ i felt a magic crawl up my spine/ and i knew that you'd risen/ you'd done something no one had ever done before you/ you escaped death/ crawled right out of its jaws/ for it was you who would save the world/ it was you who owned the Light/ it is because of you that i am bathed in Light/


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