Ruth and Tixe (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette, LA)

her name was Ruth/ and she was hell-bent on not being diminished by the brevity of life/ she was obsessed with living every minute as though it was her last/ His name was Tixe/ he was like a Mexican version of Jesus for her/ he was sin/ he was her salvation/ he made her confess as she wore her cross around her neck while he was between her legs/ You don't know someone until you know what they want/ she knew he was sex/ he was sexy/ his eyes green like backlit emeralds/ his raven black hair cascaded around his face/ his pouty pink lips planted on hers/ She asked what Tixe meant/ He told her that his mother had named him Tixe because spelled backward his name was Exit/ his mother said his exit through her vagina at birth had nearly killed her/ he was born a lady killer/ Greed/ Filth/ Desire/ she had a feline-like desire to be with him/ to her life was being in bed with him/ the rest was just waiting/ their love was cautionary/ explosive/ like each moment they were dangling from the edge of ruin/ his lust rained down on her/ drowning her in desire/ his fingers lit her skin/ he was Yoda-like/ he whispered the secrets of life into her ear as he rode her from behind......


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