You Make Me Feel New (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

put your hands all over my body
make me your clay
sculpt me with your desire
take me higher
use me up
inspire me
desire me
i placed myself on the coals of your love
willing to be burned
because i knew it would satisfy me
even if it hurt
i begged for you to love me
because it's what you wanted
you needed to feel important
you shoved me into a box that i didn't fit in
you tried to win me over with sex
you thought you were the reward
that your naked flesh was enough
but i craved your mind
i wanted you to know my fantasies
you tried to make me break
to see how much i could take
i stripped myself down
to the core
like a whore
and you paid me with kisses
i was always so strong
until you entered the room
you make me weak
too weak to speak
you make we want to live for you
to show my ass
and my feelings at the same time
i may be far from virginal
but you make me feel new


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