Kissed by Judas (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

"don't be so serious" you say
fuck you
you're a fake piece of shit
the guise you wear is a lovely robe
sewn up of all of your insecurities like threads
but it's unravelling
and what's underneath isn't so pretty
no longer hung up
i'm free of you
free of what i thought you were
your biblical references are a joke
you're the opposite of Light
you were a thief of mine
but it burns white and hot and intense
you sold me out for 30 silver coins
left me in the garden to be seized
after your seductive kiss
thought that everything good was gone
thought that you'd carry on with your show
that i wouldn't reveal you for what you are
but i saw it before it killed me
i wasn't crucified by your hate
and the crown i wear
isn't of thorns
and the traitor you were was a gift to me
betrayal suited me well
well better than your cheaply sewn garment that you wear to hide who you really are
cloaked in darkness
darkness lurks
you tried to make me swallow my light
i hope that your deeds hang you
and that with your dying breath
you feel how wrong you were


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