The Spark Never Dies (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i fell in love with you
burning hot
like coals beneath my skin
lighting up my being
i laid on the altar
i was altered
i cared less about me
and more about you
for the first time in my life
i faced giving up
i faced sacrifice
i felt like the lamb
and if i fed you it was ok
i only wanted you to be nourished
i gave of myself
but your love was a gunshot to my head
left me limp
but my soul retreated
refused to be beaten
and this spirit in me grew
white heat
i forgive you for sacrificing me
i served a purpose
but now it pours out of my skin like light
like a candle
a lantern
i want to shine upon the dark path
and show you what transformation feels like
that you can come out of any situation
no matter how bad
no matter how dark
filled with Light
so bask in my glory
it's my new purpose
and if i sacrifice my light
it only grows
the spark never dies


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