Ruth & Tixe pt 4 (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

as she stood in the mirror searching for her flaws/ he approached from behind/ "baby, all you need is someone to love you. to teach you. to show you that what's on the inside is what matters."/ and he knew her insides/ he knew her inside and out/ she finished a bottle of champagne in the bathtub/ candles flickering/ the warm wet sensation of his touch between her thighs/ "say it to me" be begged/ she wasn't sure what he meant/ did he mean "i love you"?/ or did he mean "fuck me"?/ or did it just blur into the same thing/ "keep doing that" she cried out/ as the honey dripped out of her/ he had become her god/ on earth/ Ruth was beguiled/ her blond hair with its dark roots peeking through/ her eyes of turquoise/ lined in coal black/ like a cat/ her leopard print tattoo that began on her shoulder and followed the curve of her back, ending on top of her plump ass/ she was his heroine/ she was his cocaine/ and they were high on love and lust and power and greed/ they fed on each other in a vampiric  fashion/ they built each other up to tear each other down/ it was in the putting it back together that they discovered who they really were


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