I'll Do It (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

the adoration that i sought
was yours
but i was unaware
i still thought that the whole world needed to love what i offered
i didn't yet to know to be so specific
and i did anything in my power to be noticed
changed who i was
changed what i looked like
to satisfy the ever-changing taste of the world around me
from Miami to New York
i danced
sometimes to my own beat
sometimes the beat of someone else
i swam in the oceans in Miami
i dredged through the concrete of New York City
looking for what i was meant to be
a party boy
a chameleon
even while pretending to be superficial
i knew that what i felt was different
i remember the first time i saw you
and all was beautiful
you appreciated me for who i was
beneath the guise
so i trade being loved by everyone to being loved my you
it's easy
no thinking about it
my soul wants it
i love you
you love me
we have overcome so many obstacles
i love you
it's simple
what can i do to prove it?
that i gladly give up this life
where i thought everyone loved me
to being loved by one
i'll do it


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