In The Sea (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i am floating in the sea
deep and cold
dying in the water
as the remains of our love fill my lungs
suffocating me
this love that i fought for
this union that i believed in
has left me half dead in the water
i hold my breath
and try to fight to right myself
this panic grabbing hold of me
no longer concentrated on saving us
i only care to save myself
i am too strong to die here alone
floating like a fool
your love rained down on me
and became a flood
then a river
then a sea in its capacity
but the fluidity that i used to enjoy
became a rough ocean
threatening me
i find myself swimming for shore with all of my might
as i floated there
and afraid
i learned that my joy is not in your smile
it's not in your heart
not even in your hands
it's in my core
my soul
and while i lay here exposed
some things remain hidden from you
you hurled your hate at me
in an attempt to drown my joy
gave up on our love so that you could be king
but as my joy leads me through your dark sea
my soul watches from above
and i smile
knowing i've survived
that i will go on
and when i touch land
i run as fast as my legs can carry me
away from your grasp
i'm free again
free to be me
free to release my joy
for i'm no longer imprisoned by your ideas of what i should i be


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