Physical Attraction (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

so much satisfaction
a physical attraction
a chemical reaction
visceral satisfaction
from the moment i saw your face i knew
it's never gone away
i have carried my love for you
like an egg
careful not to shatter it
they say when an egg is broken from the outside, any chance of life dies
but when it breaks from the inside, life begins
so i'm leaving it up to you
for once
i relinquish my desire for control
i know you love me too
you've proven that time and time again
there is magic between us
something unspoken
i don't particularly believe in marriage for myself
but i'd marry you right now in this room if you'd have it
love seeps from my pores
i love you so
you change the way i think
i like that
thinking only of myself for so long has made me grown tired of myself
i'm ready to try something new


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