Perhaps (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

my mind is full of "perhaps" tonight
perhaps if i'd made more time for you
perhaps if i'd relinquish some of the time i spend with my friends and family
perhaps we could've made something of our connection
but i'd have had to give up too much of myself
for someone i don't feel even knows how to meet halfway
so perhaps the best has happened
perhaps i'm better without
if someone can't love you for who you are, it's time to exit
if someone faults you for having friends and family as your top priority
perhaps his priorities are not in order
perhaps i'm getting out of it the easiest way possible
perhaps i will retain who i am
at least i know that i'm still willing
now i know that a few good ones are still out there
when i'm not paying any attention to it someone will come along
all i know for sure on this night is that my faith remains unshaken
and perhaps that was the lesson i needed to learn after the year i've faced


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