Imperfect (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

he's different than anyone i've ever known
he begs me to show me what's different within me
he likes what's imperfect about me
about what makes me tick
he likes my smile in the morning
he could care less about the wrinkles and the grey hair
he likes my laugh more than my biceps
he's the real deal
a keeper
he tells me how i make his heart smile
we have a secret code
a language you'd never understand
there's a level of comfort there
i ran and searched years for this
for this moment
where i can feel alive
and imperfectly perfect
i can smile
and not care about the crow's feet
i earned those bitches
he looks past it all
i'm a lucky man
for 40 years i thought i had to be perfect
and BOOM that shit caved in
changed everything i believe
my eyes are open now
and i appreciate what most people look past


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