Your Love Was My Downfall (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

looking out of the window at the city streets below
and an ache in me grows
have you lost the same things i have lost?
i wish my heart had no chains
wish there were no boundaries in life
no limits
if time stood still
we'd have no scars
no hurt to cover up with smiles
my heart aches
it cries for the love we've lost
we connected and sparks flew
and they'd go on to burn both of us
a great division
then a reconnection
but we'd both changed
and our wants and needs didn't match
so i watched as you left
and your plane reached the clouds
you must've touched down at your home by now
there's loves that you lose and you go on knowing it's for the best
well we don't fit that category
i'll miss you for the rest of my life
your love was my downfall
fell so far and so fast
i could not apply the breaks
i chose the boy that everyone else adored
and i didn't see that i wasn't as important as i thought
someday my heart shall mend
but for now i sit in this loneliness
missing you
watching the streets that we used to walk
missing your hand in mine
planes can take you away
but we'd need a miracle to bring you back


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