Our Ghosts (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i woke up within a dream
fell so in love with you
prey to your magic
found myself on a spinning wheel
with you hurling daggers at me
a look of love still in your eyes
trying to tear me apart
trying to make me fade from view
and the audience applauded
as you split me into two
i felt the sharpness of your love
and the warmth of the hate it grew into
our ghosts
roaming around
things that happened to us in the past
threatening to untangle us
and my pysche may never fully heal
but i don't want to be with anyone but you
so spin me around if you must
and thrust your knifes at me
i will still trust in you
i will still trust in us
your magic keeps me here
despite my fear
so something in me is healing
wanna fall so far
i wanna fall so hard
and keep falling in love with you
day after day
and let the audience applaud not my demise
but our success
for there is danger in the daggers
but there is magic in your kiss
and if you were to ask me after all we've been through
still believe in magic, yes i do
something in my soul keeps bringing me back to you


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