
Showing posts from January, 2014

A Wild Horse (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i only like handcuffs if i'm in control of how restrictive they are i'm a free soul i'll only chain myself down if it feels good for a moment but i'll break free find light in the beautiful sea i chose to be happy you and i we're like diamonds in the sky i stuck my tongue in your mouth in public i couldn't care less several shots of Patron and i felt bold this attraction like a magnet drew me to you i'm a wild horse i hope you know at best i'll lick the salt out of your hand and let you hug up on my neck but i'll hoof and i'll paw to stay free i'll let you rope me in but only if it feels good to me i'm a version of kink that you've never known the sparks of our sexual attraction are like fireworks against the night sky but will they survive? or will i run free?

Drive (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i get in my car i punch the gas petal i just want to drive and leave it all behind me in the past where you belong you were wrong for my soul and my heart i knew it all along you were a liar you tried to live my life while i was working a cheaper version of me like a photograph i turned a negative into a picture sunroof open and the last of you leaks through gone like a cloud that was hanging over my head i have 2 letters for you one of them is F and the other one is U i punch the gas pedal and suddenly this drive is about me getting away leaving the past behind like a ghost

I Stood The Test Of Time (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

time is sliding through my hands like sand and i can't get any of it back tick tock tick tock that sound in my brain i'm getting older bolder what didn't kill me left me a stronger lion and i stalk what i want out of life now and i pounce i take my prey down with a majestic silence sink my teeth in deeply rather than have the attention of a room now i'd rather have their respect when i enter i've owned it i've survived things that would make weaker men fade away tick tock tick tock i hear it i feel it life is challenging me i gave in last year tried to hang on to my youth but like a helium balloon i let it go and watched it fade away in the clouds i'll defy i'll rebel i will age the way i see fit i'll dance to my own beat fuck what you think don't tell me to stop tell me what you think i'm not and watch that roll off my back if i ever take a seat i stood the test of time

I Woke Up Like Dis (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

why do we think we have to shrink ourselves to deserve love? that's such fucked up thinking i unsubscribe to that i'm fucking fierce flawlessly flawed i'll wear my crown without falling down i'll never shrink again i'll grow into something you never saw coming done with the negativity of competitive behavior i'm my own man i have balls i have courage i stand tall as fuck i'm equally proud of who i am and where i've been i've been down i've had my dick dragged through the dirt i've beat myself up i've felt fat i've punished myself i've sabotaged relationships that i didn't think i deserved FUCK THAT no one is worth shrinking for god damnit put your fists up in the air be who you are own it own that shit rock it i went to bed feeling insecure but i work up like dis different attitude about me about life about we about how i'll respond i won't judge you i won't judge me i'll

Love Spent Part 3 (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

the laws of the universe tell us that what goes up must come down but i'm on way back up bitches see i don't have subtle power i have SUPERPOWER i'm stronger than a mutha you couldn't break me you couldn't take me you couldn't handle me you couldn't scandal me i broke away i'm free free to be me again alone in my underwear dancing to my own beat drinking my wine alone and happy done with you through with us Fuck figuring it out it's not worth the trouble i leap single hoes in a single bound i'm superman who needs a red cape? i escape you took and you took until there was nothing left my bank of emotion my well of devotion dry spent love spent lying on the floor in disbelief until i talked myself up by myself my legs are still strong as mountains i'm solid you couldn't crumble me i stumbled but i've righted myself again on my course coarse hoarse but still singing my own song i asked you to give

Unraveled (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

this guy was meant for me dreamt for me exempt for me my shame the game wore me out along the way had to stay for today to happen clapping my hands now that i have him seemed grim fallen down on the ground cold and forgotten rotten nothing to regret nothing to forget the past couldn't last had to start a new you led me where my heart needed to go to show me another space and time divine unraveled traveled many roads that led me to this point anoint me with your love and save me from the grave that i most surely dug myself the shelf i sat upon felt like home and it's come crashing down renown for my ability to survive alive for a reason our season for love spinning out of control my role is of the giver a sliver of hope a slippery slope we traverse disperse our shells eroded exposed

This Battle Of Love (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

love i tried it denied it tried to hide it the smile on my face felt like disgrace my struggle is inner a winner i can't succumb to dumb shit that lies before me free too free to be a "we" is there anyone out there who cares to go through growing pains shit stains staining up the drawers of life the strife we carry to bury the hurt beneath the dirt ripping my shirt like the Hulk i sulk alone in my room consumed by my own head lying in my bed trying to swallow this pill to deal with the shit stacked on my shoulders like boulders heavy and solid squalid disgusting trusting you with my heart as you ripped it apart picked myself off the fucking ground til i was sound no more fucking around keep slaying and playing with you faggots like maggots feeding off my energy no synergy we can't win divided blind sided by hate walk down this road all alone void of emotion a notion of aloneness thrown less of  bone i've shown

Cup Full Of Vueve (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i kissed on your lips sipped from the wine divine fucked up stuck in a rut my gut tells me to move on get gone move around solid ground awaits  the one who can wait no state of mind as fine as my wine you sink to the bottom with me the sea dark and treacherous wave after wave i gave you everything i had bad for me we were wrong all along steered by lust a bust a crash flash in the pan i need a man who brings something to the table stable able i'm a boss let me get that across even my dentist hates how i floss got your body let's partay let me use it abuse it don't lose it when i tell you to get on your way go away you're time's up my cup filling with bubbly doubly bring it on all night long in my sick whip rip into my lips and let me have it good would you understand that bitch? which way do you wanna go we could have a show or we can go our own ways whoever stays slays i can almost taste it don'

I'm Dranking (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

Like Heart I'll go crazy on you mother fucking crazy on you unglue any sanity that held us together free forever from your trap like a cold snap freezing your world into ice my vice is that i loved you whole heartedly retardedly you led me astray lost my way but i've regained my focus hocus pocus shed your magic nothing tragic left in my track get the hell back where you belong you were wrong for me see i'm much better without you you do fucked up shit get the fuck away from me let me be free again the pain of pulling myself away saved my own day like the hero of my story no risk no glory i soar higher now how i was trapped beneath you i'll never know but i'll show you how's it's done son without you by my side taking stride huge steps forward awkward was our love at its best put it to rest moving on gone like Rihannon, taken by the wind to mend my heart and my head words unsaid float through the air i

Supersonic (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

coming at you with speed that's supersonic like JJ Fad glad that it's me not you going through feelings in warp speed like a weed i grow to take over everything around me be taller than you like glue stuck to the idea ave maria singing my song skip along scooping up ammunition my condition goes from critical to stable i'm able to stand on my feet again gain the strength to walk alone grown ass man who can in tip top form hip hop storm spitting rhymes like chew leaving a mess on your shoe here to rock can't be stopped rocking your world like little girls playing in your dresses excesses of riches bitches you might think that you are deaf but you're far behind i'll rewind my flow and take it back attack you 80's style beguile you with my rhymes so bionic supersonic the S is for super the U is for unique the P is for perfection and you know that we are freaks the E is for exotic and the R is for rap so tell t

Just A Pain In The Anus (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

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Fearless (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

It's me you thought you'd outsmarted i farted peew you and your negative words fed to birds of a feather well i weather thunder ass storms that roll my way can't ruin my day with shit that you say calling people out is not what i'm usually about but you inspired this piece i'll cease after i've spoken my peace fearless not careless could care less for mess messy queens tearing others down clown all up in your face suck a sick disgrace kicking your can all over the place like mace i'll sweep in and silence your hate wait we all deserve a second chance let's glance try to find something better to share care how the recipient feels or deals with words that you fling broken wing can't carry you any higher town crier pitting friends against friends well it ends tonight let's fight darkness with light you tried dropping turds spoke your mother fucking Louisiana Words but my birds shall take flight and fly

Until My Battle's Won (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

drinking on pink champagne my campaign to be my own man begins covered in sins ticking like a bomb about to blow i'll show you what i'm about sooner rather than later serial dater blowing through men like they're nothing blushing to myself knowing i'm wrong singing my song so loud like a siren on the horizon an irritating sound in your ear i'm here to get drunk and cause a fight i might just get up in your face like mace and blind you rightfully mightfully earning my freedom kingdom come busting raps and standing for something bumping you out my way i'll do and say exactly what i want my jaunt is cause for alarm no harm i mean to deliver i shiver at the thought of being captured raptured with the idea of true freedom my season survival of the fittest you missed your chance to snatch my crown so bow down i'm not a rapper i'm an adapter if i wasn't the shit i'd quit delivering liquoring you until your

Like Taylor Swift (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

"you're like Taylor Swift" suck my dick bitch i ain't like nobody out there i swear i won't just date you and go through crazy shit just to write about it i doubt it i'll shout it from the roof tops cyclops eyeing my spot on top can't stop me from being what i want flaunt who i choose to be free from your judgment lament on how you couldn't hold me behold me the one who got away this shit is cray attached to no man my plan is to supersede succeed in this game and shame you for pointing your finger in my face can't keep up with my pace quick witted forgetted why i even started with you i blew through your love like a cold wind pinned you down and kissed your lips took sips from your blood like wine dined  69'd made you fall for me like a leaf from a tree left your safety shady as fuck stuck now on the ground rotting while i'm yachting sailing the seas appeased you pleased you just enough

I'm Poetry In Motion (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i'm a dobberman pinch yourself i won't go away and you can't believe i grieve for you once you fuck with me see i'll bite your ass clean in half the aftermath so strong you can't fathom like a madame surrounded by whores i lure you into my web ebb and flow you can blow me into oblivion do it better than your mom til your cheeks collapse relapse into your old ways plays on your soul like a song so fucking wrong for one another we smother any chance that this might work dragging our dicks through the dirt ignoring the signs on the road my flow so cold my rhyme so bold it's hatred we've dated getting by with our wicked ways days on days i put my two dimes and  nickel in and i came to get my quarter back attack your ass a villain with a cape leaping the Empire State i'm serving hate like a buffet eat til your full like wool i'll make you feel warm change form then storm your life like a knife a stabbing a

Like A Junkie (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

unwinding after a night of grinding i'm like a junkie this groove's so funky moving my body craving somebody to speed up my pace give me space i'll work it out like i'm on the pole my soul free as fuck on the dancefloor wanting more dancing to this groove move out my way don't say a word like a bird my soul takes flight what a sight your body under these lights higher heights it's ok boy to let go and feel it get up on me and let's just have a party forget everything and everybody and use my body to make yourself feel good would you step into my world swirled and twirled dancing the night away i like it this way

While I Was Asleep (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

when i lick my lips i can taste your smile it stays with me for a while this feeling inside sometimes makes we want to run this battle's not won see, i have a gypsy soul i never feel whole unless i'm onto the next adventure i'd venture to say that it's hard for me to stay put can't pussyfoot around the idea that i crave to be free but you do something to me you set my heart on fire there is a desire for me to settle down to wear the crown it's all about being wrapped in the covers in the morning no warning i smile you beguile i feel like my soul was busy fighting last night while i was asleep it creeps above my body talking me into behaving paving the way to a brighter future suture up those wounds from my past because the past can't last tomorrow is shining down on me like a star it's not so far from where i am today

Neon Cathedral (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i come with my words because sometimes in life you swerve to avoid disaster splatter people let words escape their lips before thought not aware hurt is about to be brought relying lying talk shit behind your back attack but smile in your face a place that they can't be who they are so listen as i testify you read the bible but you don't live the verses curses don't build our community we need unity and when i see ya and hear what you say my faith is having seizures this bar could be our church our neon cathedral but you treat me medieval go ballistic on my reputation your words like masturbation pleasing only you like glue they stick to the air around them broken hymns untrue we are all searching for love let's not rub each other the wrong way stay focused on the love we need to share care about what you say as much as you care about what you do not through with the work before us bust ing out of the dark corners not feeling

To Eat Or Get Tattooed (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

and if i had to decide whether to eat or get tattooed i'd be one skinny ass mother fucker see, the story of my life is drawn out on my limbs and torso they will last as long as i do a meal may taste good momentarily but a few hours later it becomes shit

Champagne and Boudin Conversations (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

as we talked around the firepit drinking champagne and beer and eating boudin we philosophied about people and the human condition and the cheap excuses that we use to brush off our behavior "Bipolar disorder is bullshit. People are just plain crazy. " Dennis offered and i think he's right we all have mood swings modern life is tough in a way that previous generations didn't experience everything is so "right now" these days technology that is supposed to link us is actually dividing us not many people hold real conversations anymore it's all internet chats, instant messages, text messages it's all about creating a perfect facade of who you'd like to be and plastering it up for the world to oooh and ahh over we have lost something basic we have lost the ability to look one another in the eyes and speak those windows to the soul tell you much more about someone than a smartphone's screen ever will we all sat in quiet agreement

My Own Little Nirvana (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i woke up this morning lucky lucky to have a warm body next to mine keeping me warm even though the AC was on 68 degrees lucky for my own breath lucky to hear his breath almost in sync with my own in the dim room it was all so clear to me that we work a lot to keep it going we work on the shell we pray and meditate to work on our souls we compromise and sacrifice to work on our relationships it's never ending it's a beautiful struggle of going through something painful in order to obtain joy and on this January morning under my down comforter i had my own little Nirvana i took a deep breath i thanked the Creator and i went right back to sleep

Different Crowns (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

Flawless Flawed Flaws Flaw F Law Aw all different crowns i wear on different days sometimes all at once

Don't Ya (by David Lester from Lafayette,LA)

Selfie, Selfish, Don't you wish, To be a lil' more like me. Cocky, Cockblock, Don't you stop, Staring at me in my jock. Amazing, Amazeballs, Don't you pause, Keep my heart racing. Freaking, Freak hoe, Don't you know, You're just another wet dream...

Titanic Pt 2 (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

like Jack, you pushed me into the icy water thinking i'd either freeze to death or drown but i swam beneath your sight and i climbed aboard a piece of drift wood it's not in my nature to lose just in love sometimes our love was Titanic moments of panic meant to sink to drift to the bottom and rot but i Rose i knew my fate wasn't written under the stars on that dark night i used the destruction of others around me to float i hung on i went down with the boat and i lost you but i gained a whole new life i ran away once my feet touched ground again a new man new identity and i heard how you told your story to anyone who would listen about how you lost the love of your life but in reality you pushed me off of that piece of wood that was big enough for two selfishly saving yourself i hear that you mourn the love you lost and it makes me laugh you never knew of love at all you love yourself too much to love another

A Revenge Twerk (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

you wanted revenge because i didn't want to be friends trapped in this shit again no one ever wins you were as bad for me as i was for you but we kept it going like broken people do trying to fit together the pieces like the last of our species like apart we can't live but we don't give enough heart to make it work twerk don't want no paper gangster prankster who is only out for himself in the end i'll send you packing your bags playing with fags who mean nothing to me just be as real and fabulous as i am no sham no mess undress me in the dark and light my spark taste my skin sin cover me in your love instead of lies no more tries this time it's got to be for real or i can't deal with any more stupid shit i might regret not afraid to say goodbye won't cry i'll sail onto something better a Dear John letter in your inbox for sucking cocks that don't belong to me just be for real with how you feel do you wa

Bloody Mary (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

like Mary your leaving left my arms empty trendy to feel empty inside like you might die you broke my sacred heart into pieces last of my species alone covered in your blood a flood of tears staining my cheek bleakness set in no rest for the weary teary eyed surprised that i had a well of emotion my devotion to you had no limit prohibited anything said in vain of you you were my religion like a homing pigeon coming back to you again and again offering up my sin my longing for you my loving for you left me covered in the blood left by the way you were treated not defeated you rose drove the darkness into light fought the good fight and i hope and i pray that you come back to me some day

There's Beauty In The Process (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

how can you stand next to the truth and not see it? how can you see the ocean and not feel it? sometimes when you start your climb the hill becomes a mountain but it leads to the Light humor and faith are the only things that can save us for we surely can not be relied upon to save ourselves we fall and we falter the greatest thing we can do is continue stand up for hope for faith close your eyes and let the spirit guide you there's beauty in the process as it unfolds give thanks each moment is a gift use your life wisely for our end comes quickly

Two Bleached Blonds (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

two bleached blonds running away grab the peroxide and steal away can't even have darkness on our heads as we make our way together the sinking sun casts its dim light like an angel you appeared with your blue/green eyes like the Mediterranean sea i just want to jump in even if i can't swim which i can but i'd rather just float not rushing time don't want this perfect moment to evaporate into memory want to live it squeeze what i can out of it the sound of your voice the touch of your hand you don't know how beautiful you are

Your Entire Arsenal (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

your entire arsenal isn't enough to hold back one round when i'm bound to unleash on you like the deep blue sea fear me cuz i'm deeper than you think and i'll sink your ship and send you to the depths just to get you of my chest i'm a boss let me get that across won't let you do to me what you did to your last man i'll kick over the gas can and blow this fucker to the sky go cry head in your hand like your pituitary gland i'm the master blaster bringing about disaster don't try to use words against me or you'll see just how little you know i'll show you that i'm in control

Social Media Stalker (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

like Eminem had Stan i've got my own fucked up fan stalking me on Facebook and it took me holding back not to attack and say fuck you you ugly shit don't like it one bit commenting all over my Instagram a sham we aren't really friends where does it end? would you like to crawl up under my skin? my patience growing thin think i'll just delete your ass and move on singing my song what's wrong with being strong and independent thought that was the only way to win it you silly ass punk commenting "hey hunk" i blow chunks when i read your posts so i raise toasts go grow a life for yourself get help i tried hard not do dis you won't miss you scribbling your words all over my pages bring on my rages you don't know me you never will sometimes our words don't wound they kill this social media shit is fucked the fuck up so schlup away my day isn't consumed by what you think of me i'm more free i realize that

A Storm Coming (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

there's a storm coming that the weatherman couldn't predict shoulda just sucked my dick one last time to cover your crime but i found out what you're about how fucking irritated am i? enough i wish you'd just die i'd like to bash your face with a bat i'd get off on that crush your bones tear down your thrones that you sit up on in your head set fire to your bed and watch you burn yearn for a way out shout for help that would never come the wicked deed done bury your ashes in a pile of shit and sit and laugh at your demise your cries on a loop in my head dead hock a loogie and pay my tribute to you through with that part of my life hearing your voice became like a knife in my windpipe until i was ripe with hate too great to suppress put you to rest to shut you up cupped my hands over your mouth to stop your absurd word it'd be whack if i wasn't the baddest not the saddest in the least bit for ending your shit

You'll never Ssshhh Me (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

one more time if you push me you'll never ssshhh me i will get up in your face violate your space stick my dick in your life and fuck the shit apart too smart to fall prey to what you say you ignorant slut with your worn out butt don't even recall your own lies sipping on your chai's trying to dry your eyes you hated facing the truth would rather lose your tooth didn't need a fist to strike your face my words fell like mace blinding your lying ass no sass from you to cover your shit so get on gone i'll teach you to appreciate me differentiate me from the suckers you're used to fuckers who do what you say caught you up the rapture before i slapped ya so dumb you don't even know what's hit you choo choo like a train i'll run over your life my cargo? strife make you miserable as you can be what a visual the criminal needs a miracle satirical yeah that's funny as fuck so cluck cluck like the chicken pussy pun

Fish Food (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i've done nothing less than give you perfectness you took me for granted like granite i'm hard as fuck you're stuck without a place to run from my gun break your jaw get the scissors and saws cover my tracks slip you into sacks feed your ass to the sharks no more sparks nothing to save us from destruction it's over and done dump you over the side of the boat like Dexter no protector to save your ass this is the last time you'll break my heart i chopped you apart fish food chewed then pooed sank to the bottom of the ocean over my fucked up emotions the end of our love no doves flying no peace cease to be no more we it's i who carries on you're gone and as i look at the beautiful blue water i almost forget the slaughter and maybe the smile on my face is inappropriate no opiate could hide the pain we felt so i dealt with the way i saw fit no fixing shit

The World Slips Away (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

when you arms wrap around me the world slips away nothing exists hearts beating together in time time ticks away and it feels like we're stealing happiness like we share a secret your lips meet the back of my neck and i can feel the humidity of your breath on my skin close my eyes and drift away lost hormones pheromones brain heart skin everything meets perfection flawless

Bricks Become Clouds (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

drop my anvil on your head landfill you're dead call me a faggot i hate a pussy must've mistaken me for a soft sissy punk words are my ammunition like bombs they blow away stupid shit when you sling it at me we are apples and oranges i spit out a rhyme and thought of you words you never wanna hear from my fingertips come lightning bolts shocking like a cold wind i blow and if you're smart you see that it's transparent that my anger is just hurt with a brick wall around it and if you maneuver with intelligence those bricks become clouds and i'll give in and wrap my arms around you but the moment you betray my trust you'll meet a strength you'll know you can't battle i'll rip this shit til my bones collapse relapse duck into the dark corner for a moment and when i pop back out my light shines brighter than ever bright enough to burn so learn how to treat me with respect not neglect i can love like nobody else and i c

The Ham of Instagram (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

You laid in my bed fucked with my head while giving me head sold your lies and spread your thighs like they were something special basic almost convinced me that lust was love no love none lost none found i stand on solid ground while you snap cheap shots in the mirror your lies grow bigger exposed it shows your cheapness your meekness you took what i'd give just to live a life you could not earn on your own go on get the fuck out this is not what love's about you trying to turn twinks' heads posing in pics wearing my undies in my bed cheap whore there's a store where you can buy your own shit with a job if you can get someone to hire your thug ass no class but i'm rising never hiding i'll show my mistakes i'll take one on the chin to win to show the world that you're basic trainwreck a spiraling downward skank i'll shank you bitch if you don't leave my shit alone i've grown tired of the 21 games s

Like Bombs (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

you'll have no defenses once i'm in my trenches throwing realness like bombs you give better head than your mom slutty slut slut giving up that butt all over down going down south your mouth covered in sores fucking with whores you are a nasty fuck stuck in a life you've earned for yourself learned from yourself a way of life strife thinking you're bad ass like you'd take my torch i'll scorch your fucking ass up in flames expose your shames no treaties for pissing in my wheaties spewing hate for the haters laters go fuck yourself and die you lie like a cheap ass rug uglying up my floor whore pack your shit and hit the road it's done i've won taken back what's mine time to shine shining on and on and on like a fucking diamond in the sky so cry i'll fly past this shit i'll get what i'm after in the long run now that we're done back to fun

I Can Beat 'Em (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

how you gonna play with fire and not be prepared to sweat? wet behind your ears ignorant beyond your years i see people's ears perk up as i begin to pen how you treated me see i like to spit on pussies before i eat 'em why would i join them when i can beat 'em? eat my fucking dust your life a bust a waste of space can't break my stride my pride carries me past what could never last you kicked me when i was down tried to hurt me desert me in my time of need your greed suffocated my love, my trust dust we lay in our own wake couldn't break through the trappings of our egos i know that it's not where i need to be free of you i'll go on screaming reaming you for being such an asshole you stole my shit from my house a mouse after my cheese please i worked too hard to be where i am at splat! punch you square in the jaw laid down the law cast you back into the hole where you belong get along move around clown that

I'm Not Done Yet (Love Is My Temple) (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

Love is a temple a higher law you invite me to enter then knock me to the floor you expose my flaws by ripping me open with your claws you act like love but you act in hate Did you come to me for forgiveness? Did you want me to play dead? so you could be Jesus to the lepers in my head i tried to hold on in vain grasped with all of my might but your love turned into hate and slipped through my hands Did i ask too much? more than alot you gave me nothing now it's all i got trying to figure out how i ended up here when all i was seeking was Love i am left with a much bigger lesson i can't hold on to your hurt can't carry that burden for you it's the karma you've earned yourself i can't do anything about the way you treat people except remove myself from this fucked up equation you plus me still equals just me standing here deep in my faith hurt but hopeful see i still think that Love is a temple and i'm still worthy of something

Between The Bars (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

Drink up baby, look at the stars I'll kiss you again between the bars Where I'm seeing you there with your hands in the air Waiting to finally be caught you taught me about people i used to be  that i don't want around anymore a past life like crime stealing the joy from a lonely boy and trying to figure it out what it's all about and why life can sometimes feel like one long night the fight to stay in the game face covered in shame drink up baby, let it go down spin you around in your drunken haze feed the craze and kiss on my lips til you're all done and wait for the sun to rise in the sky fly up to the clouds and rest your head there forget all your care i can be the poison you crave your silent grave and you can close your eyes and rest for all time leave behind this life of crime

Like My Blue Glasses (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

don't know why your friends be lying you're shit ain't inspiring i'm the motormouth you should be worried about jealousy in the air tonight i can tell i will never understand it but oh well fucking hell shit's about to get real if you can't deal i say get to side stepping you did some fucked up shit that one day you'll regret and i'm gonna expose you repose you you need to stop for a while a taste of my guile your words deflected your emotions rejected you said "i'll take care of you" then you do what the fuck you want to and i can't deny that i relied on you like a fool but my heart has taken itself back so go shack up with someone who is weak enough to fall prey i don't play you don't want the world to see how you treat others and i'm your mirror bigger than you thought smarter than you prepared for like my blue glasses you snapped pics of yourself wearing my love no longer belongs to yo

Pain And Regret In My Sweat (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

pain and regret in my sweat my body wet from this running gunning to get away from our past what didn't last but left me out of breath was just a test and i'm still trying to learn fighting the burn you spoke real feelings reeling me in attracted to sin made me grin you weren't hard to find once i had you on my mind hope i grow hope my flow is better than ever since we not together and this love shit i just don't get it's just a word i swerve to avoid a full on crash dash run the other way i have to say i put some effort into us blew my trust more than my mind now i'm back to the grind of being me no longer we you were eager to take the love we'd make but you couldn't return it's your turn to feel the burn i'll burst into flames it's a shame that you couldn't see what's inside of me why you faded? jaded take a shot for me let it be let it sink in the gin and know you lost what could h

Hennessy and Enemies (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

found some numbers in my old phone should just call one and go home i could do better than my last just a piece of ass i could do better i'm a go getta been drinking so much i'm still gonna call you and say fuck him and on a whim let's fuck in my backseat meet addicted to naked pictures guilty of pleasure treasure me see it's more than my skin funner than sin explain why they all the same and i need someone to put this weight on but you're gone and i'm saying i could do better together and it's s a shame we still in this game when we could make it real and seal the deal and you ask why i can't trust you it's the things that you do i stay up at night thinking my love for you shrinking this intuition comes to fruition and i know you're out there running while i'm gunning for us to do better but we ain't together never ever so i'll call up my old hoe put on a show Hennessy and enemies got me on

You'll Get A Bitch Beat Down (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

starting my comeback season today feeling myself in a big new way and if you feel like beating me down you'll never steal my crown you'll get a bitch beat down done saying i'm done playing moment i'm done having fun with it gonna be done with it you left a bad taste in my mouth no more headed south we didn't grow together no birds of a feather polar opposites don't give a shit don't think about it too much it was just lust and i'm over it time to get back to me free waving my arms in the air no more care headed back to the top never stop til i get it done rise with the sun this lion's game ain't done and the smile i wear is because i care how it unfolds i'm bold brave and strong ain't nothing wrong singing my song so have my middle finger no bee just stinger and i hope it burns your ass that i go on and last let your mouth run cuz poof! Felicia, we done!! bye

Like Fireworks Against A Dark Sky (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

our love exploded like fireworks against a dark sky but it was momentary only a burst of light then the smoke it choked me the effort was hardly worth the show but you take what you know and you go on with your journey smarter wiser willing killing anything in your way to happiness you offered less than what i deserved so i swerved i'm outta here next time i need some light i'll explode on my own

My Love Don't Cost A Thing (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

you met me in a moment when i was weak and confused at first i refused but you were persistent no longer resistant i gave in to your advances took chances in love it's rare to win so full of sin your thoughts consumed me no longer free i felt like a caged bird couldn't voice my own word you cast a shadow over my being no reasoning i fought with all i had to get away saved my own damn day i was meant to shine bright cast my own light so i shed the darkness that you became and escaped your tangled game made you swallow your pride took you on a wild ride i showed you that my true strength lies in my ability to forgive i let you live when in the past others died for less than what you've done to me i set you free but i taught you that you're but a boy not your toy i'm a man with a hand in my own fate and i'm great greater than you thought i couldn't be bought you promised me a ring but like J-Lo's, my love don't cost a

Lick The Tip Of The Gun When I'm Done (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette, LA)

i'm ready to roll if you're with me you're down for life if you're not you're a clown for life i can go hard or i can be soft depends on what you bring to the table i'll kiss you or whip you you make the first move i'll respond don't be shocked when i silently slip through your fingers because you thought you had such a grasp on my heart but i am my own man my finest creation an expression of what i've been through i'll lick the tip of the gun when i'm done and you won't know what hit you mercy in a bullet i'll finish you off quick for being a little bitch with your hand out ready to take and as you draw your last breath i'll crush your hand with my boot lick my lips because sometimes revenge can taste so sweet

Pussies Can't Prowl In A Lion's Skin (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i see you aiming at my pedestal while you try to fool me with your kisses so i bite your tongue off and spit it out your filth won't trap me i'll climb back up where i belong you drug me down momentarily i'm too hard to give in too strong not to win so i'll begin again without you much better off than before and while you get your cry on i'll be getting my fly on you could have never filled my shoes pussies can't prowl in a lion's skin