I Stood The Test Of Time (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

time is sliding through my hands like sand
and i can't get any of it back
tick tock tick tock
that sound in my brain
i'm getting older
what didn't kill me left me a stronger lion
and i stalk what i want out of life now
and i pounce
i take my prey down with a majestic silence
sink my teeth in deeply
rather than have the attention of a room now
i'd rather have their respect when i enter
i've owned it
i've survived things that would make weaker men fade away
tick tock tick tock
i hear it
i feel it
life is challenging me
i gave in last year
tried to hang on to my youth
but like a helium balloon i let it go
and watched it fade away in the clouds
i'll defy
i'll rebel
i will age the way i see fit
i'll dance to my own beat
fuck what you think
don't tell me to stop
tell me what you think i'm not
and watch that roll off my back
if i ever take a seat
i stood the test of time


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