Fearless (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

It's me you thought you'd outsmarted
i farted
and your negative words
fed to birds
of a feather
well i weather
thunder ass storms that roll my way
can't ruin my day
with shit that you say
calling people out
is not what i'm usually about
but you inspired this piece
i'll cease
after i've spoken my peace
not careless
could care
for mess
messy queens tearing others down
all up in your face
suck a sick disgrace
kicking your can all over the place
like mace
i'll sweep in and silence your hate
we all deserve a second chance
let's glance
try to find something better to share
how the recipient feels
or deals
with words that you fling
broken wing
can't carry you any higher
town crier
pitting friends against friends
well it ends
let's fight
darkness with light
you tried dropping turds
spoke your mother fucking Louisiana Words
but my birds
shall take flight
and fly towards the light
so shine bright
this isn't your right
forum anyway
we say
things that uplift
our gift
is to give inspiration
much perspiration
was shed to be where we are right now
so how
would we let it be torn down so easily
watching our own demise
that piece that your spewed
a bond that coulda been great
no hate
no middle names
to reward your games
not posting
but boasting
that we are above it all
no freefall
not even your gall
could make us not stand tall

not even your gall


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