Titanic Pt 2 (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

like Jack, you pushed me into the icy water
thinking i'd either freeze to death or drown
but i swam beneath your sight
and i climbed aboard a piece of drift wood
it's not in my nature to lose
just in love sometimes
our love was Titanic
moments of panic
meant to sink
to drift to the bottom and rot
but i Rose
i knew my fate wasn't written under the stars on that dark night
i used the destruction of others around me to float
i hung on
i went down with the boat
and i lost you
but i gained a whole new life
i ran away once my feet touched ground again
a new man
new identity
and i heard how you told your story to anyone who would listen
about how you lost the love of your life
but in reality you pushed me off of that piece of wood that was big enough for two
selfishly saving yourself
i hear that you mourn the love you lost
and it makes me laugh
you never knew of love at all
you love yourself too much to love another


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