Fish Food (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i've done nothing less
than give you perfectness
you took me for granted
like granite
i'm hard as fuck
you're stuck
without a place to run
from my gun
break your jaw
get the scissors and saws
cover my tracks
slip you into sacks
feed your ass to the sharks
no more sparks
nothing to save us from destruction
it's over and done
dump you over the side of the boat like Dexter
no protector
to save your ass
this is the last
time you'll break my heart
i chopped you apart
fish food
then pooed
sank to the bottom of the ocean
over my fucked up emotions
the end of our love
no doves
no peace
to be
no more we
it's i
who carries on
you're gone
and as i look at the beautiful blue water
i almost forget the slaughter
and maybe the smile on my face is inappropriate
no opiate
could hide the pain we felt
so i dealt
with the way i saw fit
no fixing shit


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