I Can Beat 'Em (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

how you gonna play with fire and not be prepared to sweat?
behind your ears
ignorant beyond your years
i see people's ears perk up as i begin
to pen
how you treated me
i like to spit on pussies before i eat 'em
why would i join them
when i can beat 'em?
eat my fucking dust
your life a bust
a waste
of space
can't break my stride
my pride
carries me past
what could never last
you kicked me when i was down
tried to hurt me
desert me
in my time of need
your greed
suffocated my love, my trust
we lay in our own wake
couldn't break
through the trappings of our egos
i know
that it's not where i need to be
of you
i'll go on screaming
you for being such an asshole
you stole
my shit from my house
a mouse
after my cheese
i worked too hard to be where i am at
punch you square in the jaw
laid down the law
cast you back into the hole where you belong
get along
move around
that's what you are
carving more stars
in my arm
like a superhero free of harm
no more falling into your hell
i'll tell
the tale
fire and hail
i'll be a storm like you've never seen
raining on your head
you said
you were strong
i'm about to show you of what i'm made
throwing shade
casting you away
saving my own fucking day
this smile won't fade away


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