Until My Battle's Won (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

drinking on pink champagne
my campaign
to be my own man begins
covered in sins
ticking like a bomb about to blow
i'll show
you what i'm about sooner rather than later
serial dater
blowing through men like they're nothing
to myself knowing i'm wrong
singing my song
so loud like a siren
on the horizon
an irritating sound in your ear
i'm here
to get drunk and cause a fight
i might
just get up in your face
like mace
and blind you rightfully
earning my freedom
kingdom come
busting raps and standing for something
you out my way
i'll do and say
exactly what i want
my jaunt
is cause for alarm
no harm
i mean to deliver
i shiver
at the thought of being captured
with the idea of true freedom
my season
survival of the fittest
you missed
your chance to snatch my crown
so bow down
i'm not a rapper
i'm an adapter
if i wasn't the shit
i'd quit
you until your drunk
slam dunk
i can't be stopped
or clocked
faster than speed
quicker than light
my might
beyond your reason
i'll season
my life to my own taste
won't waste
time crying over your silliness
a mess
i was attracted to like flies to shit
not one bit
will i miss your arms
your charms
couldn't bring me down
paint a smile on my face and move on
i've grown
too tired to give a fuck
your luck
run out
about to take flight
your ass like lightning
so quick with my words
dropping turds
for you to choke on
from your grasp
your pearls and cry like a little bitch
i'll switch
it around on you
through the leather straps your tied me up with
a locksmith
i'll get away
live the way
i see fit
so quit
trying to make me into someone i'm not
my watt
brighter than the sun
i run
until my battle's won


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