I'm Not Done Yet (Love Is My Temple) (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

Love is a temple
a higher law
you invite me to enter
then knock me to the floor
you expose my flaws
by ripping me open with your claws
you act like love
but you act in hate
Did you come to me for forgiveness?
Did you want me to play dead?
so you could be Jesus to the lepers in my head
i tried to hold on in vain
grasped with all of my might
but your love turned into hate
and slipped through my hands
Did i ask too much?
more than alot
you gave me nothing
now it's all i got
trying to figure out how i ended up here
when all i was seeking was Love
i am left with a much bigger lesson
i can't hold on to your hurt
can't carry that burden for you
it's the karma you've earned yourself
i can't do anything about the way you treat people
except remove myself from this fucked up equation
you plus me
still equals just me
standing here deep in my faith
hurt but hopeful
see i still think that Love is a temple
and i'm still worthy
of something greater than you offered me
i'm not done yet


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