Champagne and Boudin Conversations (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

as we talked around the firepit drinking champagne and beer and eating boudin
we philosophied about people and the human condition
and the cheap excuses that we use to brush off our behavior
"Bipolar disorder is bullshit. People are just plain crazy. " Dennis offered
and i think he's right
we all have mood swings
modern life is tough in a way that previous generations didn't experience
everything is so "right now" these days
technology that is supposed to link us is actually dividing us
not many people hold real conversations anymore
it's all internet chats, instant messages, text messages
it's all about creating a perfect facade of who you'd like to be
and plastering it up for the world to oooh and ahh over
we have lost something basic
we have lost the ability to look one another in the eyes and speak
those windows to the soul tell you much more about someone than a smartphone's screen ever will
we all sat in quiet agreement for a minute or two
as we all thought on the subject
Dennis was right
Bipolar is just a word
it's not a thing
it's a term that excuses your inability to handle stress appropriately
it's a bullshit medical diagnosis
and that's my opinion
and i realize that, like assholes, we all have one
and the shit that comes out sometimes isn't pretty
but i'm learning to handle those curveballs like a fucking champ
yes, i'm hot headed
i have passion in everything i do
i care
i rant and scream and yell sometimes
and i might hug you the next minute
but bipolar? nah
i'm much too strong for that word
to me that word implies that you stopped giving a shit about becoming a better you
and you settled for a lame ass excuse
the rest of that night was full of laughter and liquor and stories of our checkered pasts
tales of love and love gone wrong
remembering our divinity
talks about God and what we think lies after this current life
when our shells have rotted away
what we leave behind
we were a group of friends engaged, connected, and passionate about our relationships
as the years pass on my life, i live for moments like this
basic, simple human connections


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