Love Spent Part 3 (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

the laws of the universe tell us that what goes up must come down
but i'm on way back up bitches
see i don't have subtle power
i'm stronger than a mutha
you couldn't break me
you couldn't take me
you couldn't handle me
you couldn't scandal me
i broke away
i'm free
free to be me again
alone in my underwear dancing to my own beat
drinking my wine
alone and happy
done with you
through with us
Fuck figuring it out
it's not worth the trouble
i leap single hoes in a single bound
i'm superman
who needs a red cape?
i escape
you took and you took until there was nothing left
my bank of emotion
my well of devotion
love spent
lying on the floor in disbelief
until i talked myself up
by myself
my legs are still strong as mountains
i'm solid
you couldn't crumble me
i stumbled
but i've righted myself
again on my course
but still singing my own song
i asked you to give me one reason not to leave you
and you were silent
you knew you were never good enough to lay in my bed
not grand enough to walk next to me


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