A Better Ending (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

we look to blame Obama
and pin in on Putin
we look for external excuses
to cover up
that the real enemy is within
that we have put ourselves between a bullet and a target
that we suffer what we have brought upon ourselves
by hating
by judging
by telling people that they deserve less
because they are less than we view as perfect
and it won't be long before you pull yourself away
stop pointing fingers outwardly
and look at what you do to yourself
a bullet and a target
you shoot
you aim
you score
this world is what you create for yourself
accept it
own our accountability
if you want to be change
you know it ain't easy
because people hate change
but treat the person next to you
like a human being
it's a good start
to a better ending


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