Modern Existence (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

in this day and age you must have a thick skin to live
i used to feel like i had  a thick skin
now i feel like i have no skin
like i've been skinned alive
by the hate i see
by the judgment i witness
by the inequality that we accept
i do not want this to continue
i do not want to see my fellow men prosecuted
because they love someone that governments think they shouldn't
because they think outside the box
there is too much beauty in the world that goes unnoticed
there is a plethora of talent unrecognized
we live in a scary time
where technology guides us
where we no longer think for ourselves
in an age where cameras watch everything we do
where our government reads our texts and listens in on our conversations
democracy isn't in action
the people don't have the power right now
and i have a burning desire to fight this oppression
to educate myself
to free myself of the modern existence
i love the instant gratification
i hate the consequence we pay
i want to stick my neck out
i'm not afraid of the slaps
i want to encourage people to be who they are
to stand strong
to sing out loud together
we shall overcome
when we are all one


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