Leather Plays a Role (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

and suddenly i'm in a church
and hymns in my name are cried out loud
praying to forgive me for breaking our vow
praying for you because you shat on what we held true
sacrificial lamb am i
i'm angered
for you will not accept what it is you've done
frankincense fills the air
begging forgiveness
i confess
i loved you
without hesitation
never thinking that you'd use it against me in the end
my red robe hides my own shame
that i bought into your false promises
and suddenly i remember that leather plays a role
that i feel good in tight leather
that i wear a crown as a sinner
and it feels like home for me
my world spins
you did me wrong
and no novenas will erase how hurt i feel
the sin here is how you treated me
you diminished me
tried to finish me
but i fought hard to hold on
you tried to throw me into hell
but i held fast onto the Light
you saw me as sexual
that's partly my fault
but i blew that all away
with a blast of my gun
i wanted to be heard
to be understood
beneath this tank of an exterior
lies a raw interior
you don't have to hunt me
to capture me
you just have to love me


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