I Was Kathy Bates In Our Love Story (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i didn't mean it to
i didn't intend it to
but it turned into a Misery type scenario
and i was Kathy Bates in our love story
trapped you with promises to protect you
destroyed you while pretending to heal you
i thought that i loved you so much that only i should have you
my henchman's hands wrapped around your throat tightly
it was a fascination that bloomed into a love and that exploded in hate
and hate is fear disguised
and you can't hate anyone if you don't love them
so what i had for you was love
but it's gone
you're gone
i tried to rob you of your talents
and when you resisted i knocked you in the face
then longed for your bloody kisses
i doctored your wounds
promised i'd never hurt you again
when i understood that you owned your talents
and they could never be possessed
i sought your love
and when you wouldn't give that to me
i smashed your legs
left you crippled
writhing in pain
like broken glass i tried to put them back to together
hoping that when you'd be able to walk again it would be toward me
but still you would not love me
your intent was to escape
and in my mind i suspected that
every time i'd give you a chance to earn my trust just a little
you'd show me disrespect
and it all started because i loved what i thought you were
an injured soul who needed my love to heal
i drew a warm bath and tried to soothe your aches
i rubbed your legs and soaped up your back for you
expecting to win you over
that was my downfall
and when i asked for a hug
your shrugged me off
you wouldn't even look into my eyes
and in a fit of anger
in the midst of rejection
(which i've never handled well)
i flew into a rage
smashing your skull into the white tiles surrounding the tub
white now swirled with red
like peppermints
this time i sensed that i wouldn't be able to put you back together so easily
and i finally understood that your love was never going to be in my grasp
no matter how i tried
no matter how i forced
so i held you underneath the water
watched as the last air bubbles escaped your nostrils
and your hazel eyes rolled back in your head
i knew you were dead
in that last moment you seemed to have found peace
hopefully someday that happens for me as well
for i loved you so
and you couldn't love me back
i didn't handle that well


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