Your Blood Baptized The Walls Around Us (by James Leland Ludeau IIII from Lafayette, LA)

brain particles hit the wall behind me
as i held the gun
it went off
no more argument from you
it was over
you'd died for me
the ultimate sacrifice
i'd fought you with all of my might
and at times i thought you'd win
but in the end
it was your blood that baptized the walls around us
and if the gun is metaphor
for my dick in this story
then so be it
i stuck it in you
and i blew your guts out
and watched as you gave up
you tore my heart out of its cavity
this was my revenge
if you act like a bitch
you'll die like a bitch
you tried to make me feel guilty
i don't
you were corrupt
and you tried to pull me under
and now your hold on me is dead
splattered on the wall
your tale is done
mine lives on


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