Holy Ground (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

chatted with you online forever never thinking it would go anywhere
just the usual all talk business of online encounters
 met you after seeing Madonna in concert
felt so alive and inspired and free
the smell of New Orleans around us
your arms around my waist
so tall i had to look up
in disbelief that you were cuter than i even imagined
the humidity hung with its thick, consuming moisture
dampening the crumbling architecture 
the balcony we stood on seemed to be hanging on for its life
hoping not to break away from the decaying brick
it was a weird kind of night
a full moon rising from the warm river
yet a cold breeze whipped the leaves into a frenzy
it was fall
i fell
those kisses lasted forever
drunk on gin
drunker on you
you have a smile that wins me over
tall and dark and inviting and kind
you came off as a little shy
and you seemed relieved that i wasn't
i don't remember anything about that night but the kisses
and time passed
it passed by in a way that sort of escaped us
but our contact continued
and now i'm actually kind of shy
because i realize i have something to lose for once
and the way you said you'd fill out an application
made me realize you're not so shy
and i like it
i like you
i like this
and where we stood on Bourbon and St Ann
that's holy ground
you make my heart spin
i won't let this fall apart in the usual way
so keep texting me and keep calling me
and take me out to eat on a starry night
but don't try too hard
because you've already won (me)


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