I Should Live My Life Like The Leaves (No Fear) (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette, LA)

End of summer Watching clouds explode in the sky Vapor The light no longer white hot But golden as I bask in it I feel the glistening sweat run off of my body And like the unrealized dreams of summer Evaporating before they touch the ground I realize in this moment that I'm content That life is a masterpiece That nothing, even the searing heat of summer is indestructible Everything is forced to change Shapes shift Seasons change We give way to what's next
There's order to the chaos There is a beauty to time A comfort in knowing it will not cease for anyone We are all given a fixed number of moments to live I close my eyes I feel a dry, warm breeze graze my skin The humidity has retreated today Fall beckons the green foliage will transition to browns and reds and oranges And I should live my life like the leaves (no fear) Let myself be carried by the wind To change It's exciting knowing that nights will soon be cooler Crisp The smells of autumn The crunching of leaves beneath my feet And by the time we grow tired of the cold Summer will triumphantly return Ripe with opportunities to create memories under its blazing sun I close my eyes in thanks I feel the seasons inside of myself I am open to change I am changing
the earth and i have more in common than i thought
on the surface we are forced to change
but underneath we remain calm
wisely i am embracing this newfound state of mind


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