The End Of Love Ain't Easy (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

in this haze
in the hangover from our love
i will never forget your healing hands
and how you touched me
you gave me daylight
our love was sweet
but it's faded into this feeling
where my head aches
my heart breaks
i couldn't resuscitate us
you slipped through my fingers
disappeared from my grasp
and there is a huge empty hole i'm feeling now
knocked sideways
can't think
can barely walk
i just want to hang out in the dark
guzzle wine
and try to erase it from my mind
but then again i don't
i loved you
i loved you like i've never loved anyone
it was real
deep like the ocean
and now it swirls above me
threatening to take my air
drowning me in sorrow
and it feels bigger than me at times
like it might kill me
this separation
it feels so permanent
so big
so wrong
just fucked the fuck up
that two people who truly love each other
can't overcome obstacles
i thought we could move mountains together
i guess i was wrong
we are now headed in opposite directions
i'm not sure where i'm headed yet
a crushing ache sits with me
and it's heavy
gottta get these feelings gone
you know the end of love ain't easy


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