Equine In Nature (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

"we are wild stallions" she said
a simple statement
but it rang true in my ears like church bells break the silence on Sunday mornings
in Jackson Square
We have a bond
and it is beyond genetic
we love poetry
we live to write
we look through life through a lens
trying to capture the beauty of life and freeze frame it for the world to see
we desire to share
to journalize our lives
our stories and our pain are expressed in the ink that covers our limbs
and no matter what we've been through
no matter how murky
we smile
we soldier on
like wild stallions
focused on our breath
faded True Religions
white t-shirts
and a desire to live out loud
see, we don't care about living inside the box at all
we break molds
we run freely
won't be roped in
the closest you'll get is to hug our necks
then we will race onward
thundering along
in search of wide open spaces
to roam
to conquer
equine in nature


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