Our Sex Was Like Cocaine and Champagne (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

our sex was like cocaine and champagne
it made me high and numb
and i felt like nothing could touch me
but you
and a hit only lasted long enough
to make me crave more
you made the nights blacker
and you brought more blue to the sky by day
i lost sight of what was right and wrong
when we started it was innocent
then came the descent
our love was like cocaine
it exhausted me
it's soaring heights
led to crashing lows
my nose bled
my soul bled
yet my need for you grew
so unhealthy
but so enticing
the way you made me crawl
i liked the out of control feeling then
the wild tempting
like cocaine
you made my heart explode
had me taking it all off
i was a cocaine soldier
fighting for a love that was just an addiction
that almost robbed me blind
still i look back
and on days like this i miss it
the taste
the feeling
the wild ride


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