Love Spent Pt 2 (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

you only focused on my face
you wanted me to stay young forever
but no one can
it's a losing battle
you only loved me until you saw my flaws
and then you ran
you ran fast and furiously
i wasn't your treasure
i was your treasury
you took until there was nothing left
until the well ran dry
i tried to show you emotions
instead of just my ass
but you only wanted more
of what i could no longer give
and now i can face what i feel
that you broke my heart
that i'm love spent
that you used me up
your pretend wasn't for free
even if i was ok with you pretending because it felt good in the moment
i paid for it in the end
a higher price than i could've have imagined
you never loved me
you loved what you thought i was
and if you'd held onto me
like you held onto the idea of what you wanted me to be
we would have made made it
my love for you was real
your love sought reward
love spent
that's how it's made me feel


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