My Heartbeat (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

feeling my way out of the darkness of my own creation
guided by the Light in my soul
fighting for peace
seeking love
self love
i want to travel the world
want to hold hands with people all over this planet
look into their eyes
and see the love
feel the truth
because the lies that we're fed
are empty
all this time (40 years) i've been finding myself
unaware that i was lost
no longer living in a prison
no longer afraid of what you think of me
what you say about me
it's just words
they dissipate
like vapor
with the heat of my love
i make it all fade away
this search
this journey
this exhaustive march forward
it's not for nothing
i was put here to learn
i was placed here to teach
to share
to give
to receive
it's a cycle
and it's beautiful
i'm here to connect
connect to you
connect to me
to the Light
my heartbeat
searches for yours


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