I'll Etch My Words Into This Earth...My Legacy (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

trying to figure out my new style
this smile
it's for me
i've survived
dug my way out with dirty torn fingernails
from the hell i was buried in
this toxin that invaded my body
wrecked havoc on me
dug its claws into my spine
and tugged
felt like roman candles shooting up my spine
all in the name of vanity
of a false youth
of something i'd never be able to obtain
the numbness and tingling in my fingers
has not kept my words at bay
i am fighting this son of bitch with all i got
with saints hanging around my neck
hanging on for dear life
because life is dear
and you see that when death comes near
deadly sins
deadly toxins
it isn't worth it in the end
i will sacrifice the youth of my face
to live out my life
coming to terms with what's happened
has led me in a new direction
happy with who i am
happy with what i've been given
my purpose has changed
no one can be sexy forever on the outside
we all break down
break apart
we all become but dust
but while i have strength in me
while i still possess this fire
while the youth inside of me is still so free
i'll scream
and i'll share
and i'll etch my words into this earth somehow
i'll leave a mark
and if my legacy is anything
let it be that i taught you to love yourself
to accept yourself
to express yourself
i'm that dark horse
running my life the way i see it fit
and i'll age as i was meant to
it won't slow me down
listen to me when i say
don't believe anyone if they ever say that you're anything less than fucking perfect


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